Introducing USAID Principles for Educational Technology Investments
Today, a range of educational technologies are increasingly ubiquitous in many of the communities where USAID works and are relatively inexpensive for educational...
This is the single biggest success (or failure) factor in ICT4E
I am Jonathan Nalder and I want to remind you of a concept made famous by early Star Trek episodes where any character wearing a ‘red shirt’ was...
Solar Power Resources for Designing PV Systems in Rural Computer Projects
There are two recent developments that have significantly lowered the cost of solar power systems for powering computer installations in remote or rural areas:
How Plan Kwale has been using ICT in their programs since 2003
Salim Mvurya, Plan Kwale’s District Area Manager
Plan’s Kwale District office in Kenya has been very successful in building innovative community-led programming...
Your Call to Action: Be an African ICT Entrepreneur!
Being your own boss is the best job you can get because what you do and how you do it in your business is all up to you. Interested in starting your own Information...
5 Lessons Learned Deploying ICT in East Africa
Computer lab deployment at Luteete Secondary School in Wobulenzi, Uganda
Being the first to do anything is tough. It is filled with challenges and unknowns. Thankfully,...