3 Ways Digital Solutions Improve Cash and Voucher Assistance Programs
Humanitarian assistance has greatly changed over the past two decades, bringing forth new mechanisms to provide assistance to persons affected by crises.
Not only...
Apply Now: £250,000 for Innovation Solutions to Humanitarian Challenges
With over 350 million people worldwide requiring humanitarian assistance – a number that is set to continue growing – now, more than ever, we are seeing the...
Apply Now: £250,000 Artificial Intelligence for Humanitarians Grant Fund
Humanitarian aid workers have a responsibility to ensure they use artificial intelligence to capitalize on the technology’s potential to respond more effectively...
Apply Now: $100,000 for Humanitarian Relief Action Technology
Humanitarian relief experts are adapting to myriad pressures exacerbated by climate change and global instability, while stretching available funding and exploring...
Opportunities for Natural Language Processing in Humanitarian Relief
Natural language processing (NLP) is a rapidly evolving field at the intersection of linguistics, computer science, and artificial intelligence, which is concerned...
7 Lessons Learned Using Chatbots in Humanitarian Programs
A chatbot can be defined as “a computer program designed to simulate conversation with human users, especially over the Internet”. Chatbots are trained to respond...
We Must Include Leisure and Entertainment Services in Digital Humanitarian Solutions
Many digital inclusion interventions have been tied to specific developmental goals – enhanced education, use of digital financial services, greater access to...
How Humanitarians Use Satellites in Crisis Response Programs
Satellite applications developed by an increasingly complex web of supply-side stakeholders can be used across a wide range of use cases throughout the life cycle...
Apply Now: $500,000 for Your Humanitarian Crisis Solutions
Information and communication technology solutions have the potential to greatly enhance and amplify the impact of efforts to address pressing global challenges...
Apply Now: £250,000 to Predict Humanitarian Response Needs
The negative impacts of climate change are growing. In addition, other natural and man-made events can damage or destroy communities and their resilience. We...