How Smallholder Farmers Can Use Soil Map Data for Higher Productivity
Average cocoa yields in Ghana by smallholder farmers are currently 400 kg/ha, far below their production potential of over 1,500 kg/ha. Dominant factors contributing...
10 Lessons for Designing Effective Health Financing Products
Health shocks are the most prominent idiosyncratic shocks and stresses that low-income households face, particularly when they affect primary income earners as...
How Do You Define “Farmer” in Data-Driven Agriculture?
Who’s your farmer? This sounds like a simple question for any agricultural intervention, but it is fraught with complexity, especially for those of us who are...
New USAID Insights: Digital Profiles of Smallholder Farmer Data Management
More than 500 million smallholder farms worldwide play a significant role in food production and the genetic diversity of the food supply. Until now, it has been...
Two Questions on the Sustainability of Grameen’s Android App for Farmers
The Grameen Foundation Center launched a comprehensive Android phone-based project for Ugandan smallholder farmers recently, that could significantly improve farming...