Women Gain When You Give Poor People Cash via Mobile Money
That’s the basic question asked by GiveDirectly in their overall business model to give unconditional cash transfers to poor Kenyans via M-Pesa. Based on a...
Landscape Survey: Mobiles and Youth Workforce Development
Youth make up 17 percent of the world’s population and 40 percent of the world’s unemployed, according to the International Labor Organization. A number of...
Mobile Phones, Like All Technologies, Are Gender Neutral
At the first Technology Salon in London, we had a very thoughtful discussion on the implications of gender in using mobile technologies to stimulate social and...
How Gender Influences Mobile Technologies for Development
The very first Technology Salon to take place in London occurred just three days after the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) announced that...
London Technology Salon: How Can We Empower Women and Girls with Mobiles?
We would be delighted to invite you to RSVP to join a select cohort of thought leaders and decision makers for the first Technology Salon in London, where Henriette...
Who Let All Those Ghanaians on the Internet? Jenna Burrell on Internet Exclusion
Jenna Burrell, assistant professor at the School of Information at UC Berkeley, is speaking today at the Berkman Center on her research on internet usage in Ghana,...
The Good, Bad and Great News about Women on the Web in Developing Countries
Just weeks ago Intel announced a groundbreaking new report focused on Women and the Web in developing countries. The report was released as the lead-in at a vibrant...
Apply for $20 Million USD in ICT4D Grants from SIDA
The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency is working on behalf of the Swedish parliament and government, with the mission to reduce poverty in the...
TechCamp Tel-Aviv: Increasing Women’s Empowerment with ICTs
For many years Israel has been considered a high-tech hub producing some of the worlds leading technologies. In fact, Israel has the largest concentration of...
Be Aware of Participant Response Bias in ICT4D Product Development
I am Nicki Dell, a PhD student at the University of Washington in Seattle. I’d like to tell you about a project that I did recently during an internship at Microsoft...