Apply Now: $150,000 Gates Funding for Women’s Health Data
Women’s health continues to be under-represented and poorly measured in global health frameworks.
Current measurement frameworks, such as the Disability-Adjusted...
Apply Now: $850,000 for Women’s Digital Economic Empowerment Research
Digital technology is the fastest-growing innovation in history. It has reached about 50 per cent of the developing world’s population in two decades, fundamentally...
USAID How To Guide for Bringing More Women Online
Internet adoption and mobile phone ownership are on the rise globally, yet 2.7 billion people remain unconnected to the Internet. Within this digital divide, there...
AI Funding Trends in Digital Health: Gates Foundation Grant Awards Analysis
The Gates Foundation recently announced the winners of their Grand Challenge for “Catalyzing Equitable Artificial Intelligence (AI) Use.” According to the...
Apply Now: £3,000,000 GBP for Disease Data Modeling Solutions in Africa
Mathematical modeling is a valuable tool for informing policy-making and programmatic decision-making in the public health domain. Modeling can be applied to analyze...
Apply Now: $100,000 Gates Foundation Grants for Your Artificial Intelligence Ideas
As artificial intelligence technology continues to swiftly evolve and advance, the global community must move with urgency to ensure low- and middle-income countries (LMICs)...
Apply Now: $50 Million to Close the Global Gender Digital Divide
Persistent gender digital inequalities have profound significance on livelihoods and economic outcomes. These inequalities take many forms, but include how women...
Giving Thanks to ICT4D Donors that Changed Digital Development
Today in the USA it is the Thanksgiving holiday, which historically was a day we gave thanks for a bountiful summer harvest and successful preparations for winter....
Apply Now: $500,000 to Measure Primary Healthcare Performance
Primary health care is a cornerstone of health care systems across the globe, address majority of a person’s health needs—physical, mental, and social Primary...
Apply Now: $750,000 Digital Health Funding from Gates Foundation
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation sponsors Grand Challenges – a family of initiatives fostering innovation to solve key global health and development...