Improving ARV Compliance: Infrastructure and FrontlineSMS software for UCM-Care in Chibabava Mozambique
This project involved deployment of solar power, computers, and wireless links serving 5 locations in rural western Mozambique. Our client, UCM-Care, is affiliated...
SMS:Gov – Local Government Interface for Constituents via SMS Text Messages
Local governments in the developing world face a serious communications problem. As Roomthinker tweets, there is currently no easy mechanism for constituents to...
7 Questions to Ask Before Adding ICTs to Your Development Project
When looking at integrating ICTs (Information and Communication Technology) into existing programs, or making an initiative go further or work better with ICTs,...
Aucun homme n’est une île: les solutions TIC pour reconnecter Haïti
Dix jours après le violent séisme en Haïti, deux techniciens d’Inveneo, CIO Mark Summer et Andris Bjornson, sont arrivés sur place pour le déploiement d’un...
FrontlineSMS:Credit – Payment Middleware for Microfinance Instutitions
Have you wondered how microfinance institutions (MFI’s) could leverage short message services (SMS) text messages to provide most cost-effective loans to their...
Why mHealth Initiatives Should Not be Sustainable
Whenever we talk about mHealth, there is always much hand-wringing around sustainability. And by that we usually mean we want to find the mHealth model that can...