Invest in FM Radio to Improve Smallholder Farmer Outcomes
ICTs and smallholder farmers’ livelihood improvement in Tanzania builds on secondary data sources and in-depth interviews to explore the role of ICTs in promoting...
Which Is Better for Farm Size Mapping: UAV Drones or Satellites?
Development programming is full of information gathering, such as farm size. In a program I once worked on, smallholder farmers had to have less than three hectares...
Apply Now: $500,000 for Your Big Data Innovations in Agriculture
The rapid growth in processing power and global connectivity means we can now quickly collect, share and analyze enormous amounts of data to reveal new ways to...
Yes, Farmers Do Use Mobile Phones for Market Prices
Farmers in Malawi had free access to market prices via mobile phones for about three months using HNI’s 3‑2‑1 Service. Usage data was rolling in. And...
7 Reasons Why Farmers Do Not Use Market Price SMS Text Messages
On Friday, we had the startling realization that fishermen do not use mobile phones to compare market prices of fish. Besides cultural and legal limitations to...
How Ugandan Youth Are Making Money with ICT for Agriculture
Uganda has the world’s youngest population with over 78 percent of its population below the age of 30. Though the country also has one of the highest youth unemployment...
Get an ICT4D Job! China, U.S., Nigeria, Philippines
Innovation in Communication Project Director: Internews is seeking a Project Director to be based in Beijing to perform high level tasks and program implementation...
Two Questions on the Sustainability of Grameen’s Android App for Farmers
The Grameen Foundation Center launched a comprehensive Android phone-based project for Ugandan smallholder farmers recently, that could significantly improve farming...