How Interactive Radio Can Improve Feedback and Accountability
Farm Radio International’s Listening Post is a methodology for collecting real-time, unfiltered feedback from farmers through a multi-channel platform linked...
Register Now for Agriculture, Innovation and Technology, a new online course from TechChange
TechChange is launching its first ever online course on Agriculture, Innovation and Technology in coordination with ICTforAg 2016, a premier conference on the use...
4 Ways We Can Better Engage Smallholder Farmers Using ICT
An essential component for successfully engaging smallholder farmers using technology comes from providing a voice, a dialogue, with the farmers themselves. This...
1st Toronto Tech Salon: How Can Technology Improve International Development?
May 21st Toronto Salon – RSVP Now
We have all seen the pretty pictures of children playing with fancy new gadgets, and while the photos are uplifting, do...
USAID Practitioners Toolkit: Interactive Radio for Agricultural Development Projects
For decades now, radio has been a dominant source of information for farmers in much of sub-Saharan Africa. Although the reach of radio varies from country to country,...
8 Lessons Learned to Improve ICT-enabled FM Radio Station Sustainability
Recently, the African Farm Radio Research Initiative sought to test the effectiveness of a new radio campaign model developed by Farm Radio International: the participatory...
FM Radio is mAgriculture to Small-Scale African Farmers
I am a big fan of FM radio. From my days at IESC Geekcorps, I saw how this “old” technology was still impressive in its reach, cost-effectiveness,...