Lessons Learned: I Built a Successful Generative AI Chatbot that Failed
Grab your popcorn! This is gonna be a great crash and burn story about Generative AI success and failure in 2024!
I recently built a GenAI chatbot that successfully...
Fail Festival DC is Dead. Long Live Failure!
Way back in 2009, we organized a Twitter Chat on Failure with Michael Downey moderating the freewheeling discussion. Born from that conversation was Fail Faire,...
Well That Was a Failure
In early 2015, I had a brilliant idea. I thought we could use sensors to have an impact on hypertension, which is a leading cause of heart attacks, stroke, sepsis,...
Lessons From a MERL Tech Confessional: It’s All About Assumptions
It’s been said that good science is the art of getting less wrong over time. Maybe the same principle applies to the use of technology for monitoring, evaluation,...
When the First Step is a Failure…
Last Thursday night, we had the 5th Annual Fail Festival DC, and by the tweets and photos it was an amazing event. Woven into the fun were several strong lessons...
Fail Festival 2014: Failure Happens and Flowers Grow From It
At a typical development meeting, the person responsible for an epic fail would slip into a trapdoor and be consumed by sharks with freakin’ lasers. Yet at...
Please RSVP Now for Fail Fest DC 2014
Failure. No one likes to admit they failed. Yet, failure is normal. We all fail. More importantly, we must fail! Failure is the only true mark of leadership, innovation,...
Fail Fest DC 2013: Cathartic and Comedic
On Thursday night, Washington DC celebrated failure in international development as a mark of leadership, innovation, and risk-taking in pushing the boundaries...
RSVP Now for Fail Festival 2013: A Celebration of Failure in Development
Failure is the f-word of international development. Unspoken in polite company, but a reality in our work. We’re often in market failure environments,...