Practical Insights on Facebook

Does Facebook Have Any International Development Impact?

Does Facebook Have Any International Development Impact?

Published on: May 04 2011 by Wayan Vota - 1 Comment
In response to last week’s post about Facebook’s usage in Africa doubling every 7 months, Victor van R, a Dutch ICT4D researcher asked the following...
Facebook usage in Africa is doubling every 7 months!

Facebook usage in Africa is doubling every 7 months!

Published on: Apr 29 2011 by Wayan Vota - 4 Comments
This is Africa as visualized by Facebook. You could find it depressing if you looked at the world and saw that compared to the USA or Europe, Africa is still “dark”....
4 Reasons why Facebook is an Educational Tool for Schools

4 Reasons why Facebook is an Educational Tool for Schools

Published on: Dec 03 2010 by Wayan Vota - 8 Comments
Recently I helped review the use of information and communication technologies in the Jordanian public school system and I was intrigued to find that Facebook was...
4 Reasons to Celebrate Facebook Zero in Africa

4 Reasons to Celebrate Facebook Zero in Africa

Published on: May 24 2010 by Wayan Vota - 1 Comment
Facebook has finally launched Facebook Zero in 10 African countries (and 45 countries globally), and I say this is reason to celebrate! While Kevin Donovan worries...
Are Mobile Phones Pushing Cyber Cafes Out of Business?

Are Mobile Phones Pushing Cyber Cafes Out of Business?

Published on: May 10 2010 by Oluniyi Ajao - 8 Comments
When last did you visit a cyber cafe? Eight years ago, my answer would have been “right now”. I would have been writing/reading this on a computer in a cyber...
Social Networking for the Global South: February #ICT4D Twitter Chat Wrap-Up

Social Networking for the Global South: February #ICT4D Twitter Chat Wrap-Up

Published on: Mar 03 2010 by Michael Downey - Comments Off on Social Networking for the Global South: February #ICT4D Twitter Chat Wrap-Up
Without a doubt, social networking has changed the technology landscape in places like Europe and the United States. But what is the role of this technology in the...
Today! #ICT4D Twitter Chat: How Can Social Networking Increase ICT4D?

Today! #ICT4D Twitter Chat: How Can Social Networking Increase ICT4D?

Published on: Feb 26 2010 by Wayan Vota - 1 Comment
Don’t forget that we’re having a Twitter Chat today. We want to explore the impact of social networking technologies on businesses and communities in...
Facebook Zero: Web Chang’aa for Africa

Facebook Zero: Web Chang’aa for Africa

Published on: Feb 22 2010 by Wayan Vota - 1 Comment
As we’ve already discussed, Facebook is driving ICT adoption in Africa. Just look at the amazing statistic that Moses Kemibaro found: 2 million Kenyans are...
How Can Social Networking Increase ICT Usage? February #ICT4D Twitter Chat

How Can Social Networking Increase ICT Usage? February #ICT4D Twitter Chat

Published on: Feb 19 2010 by Wayan Vota - Comments Off on How Can Social Networking Increase ICT Usage? February #ICT4D Twitter Chat
Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn – these social networking technologies are driving ICT adoption worldwide. They’re also increasing revenues and...
ICTworks’ Facebook Social Network Strategy

ICTworks’ Facebook Social Network Strategy

Published on: Dec 02 2009 by Wayan Vota - Comments Off on ICTworks’ Facebook Social Network Strategy
When we were originally thinking about the promotion strategy for ICTworks, we specifically did not want to give it a presence on Facebook. It was our opinion that...