USAID Guide: Strengthening Civil Society through Social Media
Social media may be passing television as a source for news around the world.
A Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism report found that over 28% of 18–24...
What About Facebook Messenger Chatbots for Development?
Bolsa Familia is the Brazilian Government program for conditional income-transfers serving 14 million families living in poverty throughout the country.
The Massive Myanmar Opportunity for Digital Financial Services
Myanmar is experiencing one of the world’s fastest adoption of mobile phones. Three years ago, less than 10% of the population had access to ma mobile phone....
The Technology Aristocracy Is The Problem
There is one issue beyond all else that defenestrates the technology ecosystem of Rwanda and Sub Saharan Africa. It is something that every tech entrepreneur in...
How Facebook Values Personal Data from Developing Countries
Over the past eighteen months, Facebook commissioned a series of consultations with Ctrl-Shift that sought to answer the question: “How can we sustainably maximize...
Please RSVP Now: USAID Digital Development Forum Central America
June 23-24 – San Salvador – RSVP Now
Over the past decade, mobile Internet access has rapidly expanded across Central America to cover nearly 90% of...
Are Facebook Messenger Chatbots The Answer to Our Aid Questions?
Last week, everyone’s favorite frenemy – Facebook – held its annual developer conference in Silicon Valley. Waving our ICT4D flag in the crowd, Souktel...
The Short-Sighted Use of Social Media in International Development
For those of us working in the field of international development, it has almost become a given that we need to be using social media to engage and share with...
TRAI to India’s Poor: Let Them Eat Cake
India’s digital elite is rejoicing with the news that the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India has officially banned zero-rating, where telecommunications...
Institutions and Connectivity: Wasted Resources or Big Impact?
When I started my company, Rugged Communications, a few years ago, speaking with investors and institutions about the importance of connectivity felt like pulling...