5 Lessons Learned Running a Chatbot Service for Social Good
Remember when the ICT for Development sector was buzzing with excitement (and anxiety) about brand new, game-changing tech that could revolutionize the way we can...
5 Priority Outcomes for UNHCR Digital Transformation Strategy
The UNHCR Digital Transformation Strategy provides a unified vision and approach to realizing the rights of refugees to digital inclusion and protection as well...
Lessons Learned as the First Global Humanitarian Partner for TikTok
The IFRC / TikTok story started only 10 months ago when our Red Cross video guy and trend-spotter Damien Naylor suggested we take a look at the shiny new platform...
4 Ways to Use Fortnite in Digital Development
Fortnite—a free, online multiplayer video game—has amassed more than 125 million players worldwide during the mere 14 months since it debuted in July 2017.
4 Tips on How to Engage Farmers Using Communication Technologies
The focus of the ICTforAg conference session, “The Five Sexy Tools for Food Tech” was an analysis of how to use some simple tech in an effective way. I learned...