Apply Now: Free TechWomen STEM Mentorship with US State Department
The US Government recognizes that there is a significant gender gap in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields worldwide. It would like to...
Apply Now: $150,000 Seed Funding for Your Social Venture from Orange
There are thousands of innovative and socially responsible business projects in Africa and the Middle East, yet too few are known outside of the small circles where...
Apply Now for TechWomen: a Professional Mentorship and Exchange Program
Harnessing the power of business, technology and innovation, TechWomen brings emerging women leaders in technology sectors from the Middle East and Africa together...
Technology gets rid of dictators, but not social classes
Since the Arab Spring uprisings, human rights activists worldwide have championed the power of technology, mainly the Internet and mobile phones, as tools for democracy...
Facebook usage in Africa is doubling every 7 months!
This is Africa as visualized by Facebook. You could find it depressing if you looked at the world and saw that compared to the USA or Europe, Africa is still “dark”....