How to Increase Girls Digital Literacy in East Asia and Pacific
The recent UNICEF study Girls’ Digital Literacy in East Asia and Pacific Regions, showed that girls and boys across the region are online in huge numbers, but...
Four Educational Technology Insights from Plan Ceibal in Uruguay
Inspired by the One Laptop Per Child international initiative, Uruguay was the first country to implement a national-scale plan to distribute personal computers...
Lessons Learned about Distance Education for Teacher Training
How has distance education for teacher professional development changed in the past decade, especially as a result of COVID-19? Addressing this question was one...
11 Educational Technology Solutions in Nigeria Empowering Learners
Educational technology has the power to revolutionize education in developing countries by increasing access, quality, equity, and efficiency of education. Here...
8 Innovative Educational Technology Projects in Ghana You Should Know About
Educational technology is enhancing teaching and learning outcomes across the African continent. Looking at Ghana, in West Africa, teachers and parents can use...
How to Guide: Teaching on WhatsApp for Grassroots Community Organizers
Grassroot, a civic technology organization based in South Africa, launched a first-of-its-kind leadership development course over the messaging platform WhatsApp...
How EduTech Can Increase Literacy Skills for Children with Disabilities
More than 93 million children globally have a disability, and of those who reside in countries with high poverty levels, at least 90 percent do not attend school....
8 Findings on EdTech Solutions for Young Learners with Disabilities
Educational technology, arguably, plays an important role in helping to ensure children and young people with disabilities have fair and optimised access to the...
Apply Now: €1,500,000 for Your Educational Technology Solutions
The unprecedented Covid-19 crisis has greatly affected the education sector, with more than a billion young people in a lockdown and distance education expanding...
The ICT4D Guilty Pleasure: Reinventing Digital Wheels for Donors
We are all familiar with the concept of reinventing the flat tire in digital development. That’s when we repackage a known failure as new innovation, usually...