5 Key Million-Dollar Questions for Artificial Intelligence in Global Health
Over the last year, the Audere team found multiple insights from our work deploying practical artificial intelligence solutions in low- and middle-income countries...
We Need to Rethink Digital Health Incentives for Sustainable Software Solutions
In a recent episode of High Impact Growth, Dimagi staff delved into the challenges and opportunities in the evolving digital health market. This discussion highlights...
Introducing the Donor Principles for Human Rights in the Digital Age
The Donor Principles for Human Rights in the Digital Age is a new set of principles that establish an international framework to provide governments with a blueprint...
What Should Donors do to Support Responsible Data?
Donors such as USAID have a critical role to play in encouraging greater respect and protection of the data of vulnerable individuals and groups. They can help...
New USAID Guide: How to Use Data Responsibly in International Development
As development practitioners, we have a responsibility to the people impacted by our programming, to local governments and partners, and to our own organizations...
Should Corporate Social Responsibility start or end at installing computers?
In Kyrgyzstan, the mobile phone company MegaCom is installing computers in 17 rural schools and training the school Information Science Teacher on ICT in the...