Oxfam’s Responsible Data Policy – Do You Have One Too?
As a rights-based organization, Oxfam is committed to using data responsibly in order to uphold the rights of the individuals, groups, and organizations with...
5 Tools for Secure Communications and Data Storage
Many local partner organizations that international development actors engage with face risks while operating in challenging – and sometimes dangerous – environments....
The Dangers of Legal Ignorance in Digital Development
Some time ago I was working in a country that had enacted data localization laws requiring that all personal data that originates in that country must also be hosted...
Girl Effect Girl Safeguarding Policy: Digital Privacy, Security, Safety Principles & Guidelines
As Girl Effect has begun to integrate more digital tools and platforms into our work, we have become increasingly attentive to girls’ digital privacy, security...
The Ongoing Challenge of Protecting Privacy in Digital Development
As digital is increasingly integrated into development, privacy protection will become more critical (and more complex), especially for individuals with greater...
How to Balance the Tension Between Open Data and Privacy and Security?
At the Digital Development: From Principles to Practice Forum, ICT4D practitioners came together to discuss the inherent tensions between open and interoperable...
How Can We Harness the Internet of Things for Global Development?
I am a firm believer in the coming sensor revolution in development. We can now develop very cheap yet smart sensors, and as we saw at the MERL Tech conference...
What’s Your ICT4D Cyber Threat Model?
Threat models can make ICT4D more secure and safe to use. In computer science, “threat modeling” is the approach of playing through attacks and hacks ahead...
Please RSVP Now for ICT4D Principle 8: Address Privacy & Security in Development Programs
In recent years, ICTs such as mobile phone apps, web-based mapping technologies and data-mining techniques have been incorporated into development programmes, ranging...