7 Step Guide to Making Your Digital Development Program Sustainable
While there are how to guides and toolkits to plan the initial implementation of a digital development program, there are fewer guides for the issues that organizations...
Balancing Technology and Human Touch in Agriculture Extension Services
For farmers who do not trust or simply do not understand information technology, successful organizations must balance new technology and human interaction in agricultural...
User-Generated Content: Critical Yet Missing From ICT4D
Today, user-generated content dominates the first world’s online experience. User-generated content (UGC) can inform (Wikipedia), respond (Quora), recommend (Yelp),...
Register Now for Agriculture, Innovation and Technology, a new online course from TechChange
TechChange is launching its first ever online course on Agriculture, Innovation and Technology in coordination with ICTforAg 2016, a premier conference on the use...
Please Register Now: ICTforAg 2016 – New Technologies for Smallholder Farmers
June 10th – Washington, DC – Register Now
ICTforAg 2016 will bring together +275 thought leaders and decision makers in agriculture and technology from...
4 Ways We Can Better Engage Smallholder Farmers Using ICT
An essential component for successfully engaging smallholder farmers using technology comes from providing a voice, a dialogue, with the farmers themselves. This...
4 Tips on How to Engage Farmers Using Communication Technologies
The focus of the ICTforAg conference session, “The Five Sexy Tools for Food Tech” was an analysis of how to use some simple tech in an effective way. I learned...
Facilitated Video is the Most Effective Agricultural Teaching Tool
Traditional agricultural extension methods rely on highly trained experts who go out into the field to interact directly with farmers. Given the nearly 700 million...