Practical Insights on FCDO

FDCO Digital Development Strategy
The UK Aid Strategy for the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO, the new DFID) sets out 4 strategic objectives in order to eliminate poverty, advance the UK’s national interest, and support the UN Global Goals:
- strengthening global peace, security and governance
- strengthening resilience and response to crises
- promoting global prosperity
- tackling extreme poverty and helping the world’s most vulnerable
Using technology, FCDO aims to continue DFID’s support the effective administration of the department and improve the flow of knowledge, so that FCDO staff can help the world’s poorest by being able to:
- effectively deliver the UK’s aid programme and continue to improve aid quality through monitoring and evaluation, sharing knowledge and lesson learning
- share data and collaborate across the department, UK government, donors, partner governments, Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and multilateral and private sector partners
FCDO works at the intersection of technology, innovation, and international development to explore how digital solutions can achieve positive social impact.
Posts on FCDO/DFID Programmes
Read our growing list of news and insights on how FCDO is investing grant funding in digital development programming. DFID supported innovative ICT4D solutions in health, education, agriculture and civil society.
Published on: Dec 29 2014 by Guest Writer - Comments Off on The 5 Most Effective Educational Technology Interventions
There is enormous interest and investment in the potential of educational technology (ICT4Edu) to improve the quality of teaching and learning in low and lower-middle...
July 25 Tech Salon London – RSVP Now
In August, the Department for International Development (DFID) will publish a new evidence paper exploring the relationship...
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Ten years ago, leveraging information and communication technology for development was all about getting people an email address. Today, there is an explosion in...
Published on: Jun 03 2013 by Wayan Vota - Comments Off on How Mobile Money Improves Development Outcomes for the Unbanked
At the recent London Technology Salon, we debated “How Mobile Money Can Improve Development Outcomes for the Unbanked?” with 30 thought leaders in...
Every so often, I see ICT4D projects that have way over-thought their solution, going for whiz-bang technology over simpler, human solutions. Here is an example...
Published on: Mar 20 2012 by Sabina Behague - Comments Off on Get an ICT4D Job! From Haiti to Congo, Turkmenistan to Niger, Your Skills Are Needed Now
Network Operations Engineer: Inveneo needs someone to set up network operations centers to monitor and support telecommunications networks in the rural and developing...