Give Your Comments on USAID Digital Front Door Initiative
USAID is proposing to amend its Acquisition Regulation (AIDAR) to implement policy and procedures to clarify and streamline contractor reporting requirements related...
Please Give Feedback on USAID Development Information Solution Pilot
USAID is creating a Development Information Solution (DIS) – an Agency-wide portfolio management system to produce high quality, readily available development...
3 Steps to Implement USAID Open Data Policy ADS 579
As promised, here is an overview of the steps needed to create an open data plan in order to be compliant with USAID’s new Open Data Policy It is really easy...
How Will You Be Compliant with USAID Open Data Policy ADS 579?
USAID published their Open Data policy, ADS 579, and have begun including language in all contracts and cooperative agreements after October 1, 2014 to require...