3 Reasons Why Ushahidi Should Not Help Users Achieve Social Impact
Lots of people are talking about the shortcomings of Ushahidi (see Crowdglobe and Dead Ushahidi). While it’s important that crowdsourced maps be used with...
CrowdGlobe: The Dead Ushahidi reality behind 12,795 Ushahidi Crowdmaps
CrowdGlobe has analyzed both Ushahidi and Crowdmap data as well as its user base. The Ushahidi platform, which means, “witness” in Swahili, is a free...
Dead Ushahidi: A Stark Reminder for Sustainability Planning in ICT4D
By now, you’ve heard of Ushahidi, the ICT4D darling for crowdsourcing map data. You also may suspect there is frothy hype around it, mapping, and GIS in...