Apply Now: $725,000 in Grant Funding for Data Scientists
$500,000 Grants for Agricultural Data Analysis
Lacuna Fund provides data scientists with the resources they need to produce new labeled datasets to address underserved...
Lessons Learned Measuring, Evaluating, and Learning with Big Data
The world today is more connected, interdependent, and data-rich than at any time in human history. Yet we increasingly see populations divided into those who benefit...
Apply Now: $10 Million for COVID-19 Response Data Science Solutions
The novel coronavirus global pandemic is affecting global society in profound ways and will require new and innovative approaches. Beyond the impacts on public...
There Are No Data Unicorns in Agricultural Development
At a recent gathering in Houston, I spoke with a guy who told me his company is looking for a data unicorn. The term encapsulates what an ideal data scientist is:...
Every Big Data Algorithm Needs a Data Storyteller and Data Activist – Your Weekend Long Reads
The use of big data by public institutions is increasingly shaping peoples’ lives. In the USA, algorithms influence the criminal justice system through risk...
Don’t Be Strava: Six Ways to Break Your Data Stockholm Syndrome
In the last few days, there has been a lot of hand-wringing after Strava, a run tracking app, published a global heat map of its users’ exercise paths. As it...
We Must Be Accountable for the Data We Collect
In today’s world, there is no question of the power of data. Some people consider data the new gold, and even associate some of the data processes with metallurgy...
R or Python: Which Data Analysis Software Should You Use?
When it comes to analyzing data sets and finding insights for decision makers, we all start with Excel or Google Sheets. However, they both have serious limitations....
9 Best Practices for Cleaning, Managing, and Tagging Your Data
With “Data Scientist” being hailed as the sexiest job of the 21st century, there has been an influx of “big data” companies, visualization tools, and other...
SocialCops’ Ultimate Guide To Effective Data Collection
The development and policy spaces have seen the use of data to drive decision making and increase impact. Non-profit and government organisations are using data...