How You Can Start on Bottom-Up Data Protection Right Now
As the saying goes: in 2019, every company is a data company. Being a data company, especially an international data company, has never been more complicated. There...
What Should Donors do to Support Responsible Data?
Donors such as USAID have a critical role to play in encouraging greater respect and protection of the data of vulnerable individuals and groups. They can help...
How to Add Informed Consent to Your Responsible Data Practices
Informed consent is recognized as an integral part of responsible data practices by international development and humanitarian organizations.
Much debate, however,...
Who Do You Trust More With Your DNA Data: Kenya or 23andMe?
Who do you trust with your biometric data: fingerprints, retinal scans, and most of all, your DNA? Do you trust your own government? What about the government of...
How You Can Responsibly Share Data in Digital Development
Whenever the issue of sharing data securely between partners or donors comes up, everyone always wants to talk about the don’ts.
Don’t share via Dropbox;
7 Ways You’re Contributing to the Humanitarian Metadata Problem
The past decade has seen a surge in the use of mobile telecommunications, messaging apps and social media. As they become more accessible around the world, these...
The Reality of Farmer Data Privacy and Security in a Hyper-Digital Age
It was the last straw in a tense discussion. She stood up and reached to unbutton her pants.In shock, the others around the table asked what she was doing.
We Are All Responsible Data Sinners. Will GDPR Make Us Repent?
The General Data Protection Regulation is coming on May 25th and you should be worried. If you operate in the EU or focus on EU-based clients, then the sweeping...
We Must Be Accountable for the Data We Collect
In today’s world, there is no question of the power of data. Some people consider data the new gold, and even associate some of the data processes with metallurgy...
5 Unanswered Questions on Expanding Digital Economies in Developing Countries
Recently, the Technology Salon in Washington DC asked if Digital Economies Will Empower or Enslave the Next 4 Billion Mobile Users? While there was a general recognition...