How Do Francophone Organizations Manage Program Data?
The Humanitarian Aid and International Development sectors are in the throes of a digital revolution. Digital solutions are undeniably impacting day-to-day management...
Apply Now: $100 Million for Digital Health Informatics in PEPFAR Countries
PEPFAR 3.0 focuses on achieving sustainable control of the global HIV epidemic through a focus on transparency, accountability, and impact aligned with the UNAIDS...
How DFID Uses Data to Make Development Program Decisions
As DFID aims to harness the Data Revolution, ensuring that data – both quantitative and qualitative information – drive decision-making, public accountability,...
A Responsible Data Maturity Model for Development Organizations
Over the past few months, I’ve been working with CARE to develop a Responsible Data Maturity Model (download as PDF or Word). This “RDMM” joins a growing...
Fix Your Data Quality Issues with Query Management
A researcher’s worst nightmare is to realize that they cannot use their data. This horrible realization often comes right after data has been collected, teams...
Caution! Data Quantity Does NOT Equal Data Quality
Revenue administrations collect large amounts of data on individuals and firms in the course of their work. Increasingly, this data is digitised. The use of digital...
Data is Now Cheap, But Information is Still Very Expensive
We live in the era of Big Data. That’s not a new statement, it’s not even an exciting one. But there’s an implicit finger wag in there as the statement relates...
How to Balance the Tension Between Open Data and Privacy and Security?
At the Digital Development: From Principles to Practice Forum, ICT4D practitioners came together to discuss the inherent tensions between open and interoperable...
Do Development Constituents Have a Right to Be Forgotten Too?
Since Google started to comply with a European Union court ruling on individuals’ “right to be forgotten” by the search giant, its received 70,000...
3 Steps for Data Transformation: Turning Numbers into Knowledge
Do you feel like there’s a new software or platform offered every day, promising to streamline your business process, reduce costs, and make you an instant data...