What Data Superpower Do You Wish For?
We all are awash in data. Waves of it, breaking over our heads, that can feel like it’s drowning us some days. But what if we take a step back, climb out...
Three SMS Program Learnings that Will Surprise You
In early 2017, USAID’s StopPalu malaria control project in Guinea started implementing an SMS program to motivate pregnant women to seek antenatal care visits...
Your Organization is Not Ready for Big Data
Big Data for Development. You’ve heard that sentence/question/presentation title before. We’ve talked about Big Data at length and the conversation...
R or Python: Which Data Analysis Software Should You Use?
When it comes to analyzing data sets and finding insights for decision makers, we all start with Excel or Google Sheets. However, they both have serious limitations....
Apply Now: $500,000 for Your Big Data Innovations in Agriculture
The rapid growth in processing power and global connectivity means we can now quickly collect, share and analyze enormous amounts of data to reveal new ways to...
9 Best Practices for Cleaning, Managing, and Tagging Your Data
With “Data Scientist” being hailed as the sexiest job of the 21st century, there has been an influx of “big data” companies, visualization tools, and other...
Give Us Your Sexist Data, And We Will Give You an Apple Watch!
Women are one-half of the world’s population, one-third of its official workforce and do two-thirds of its productive work, yet they earn one-tenth of its income...
Help USAID Find Evidence of Real-Time Data Use in Development
Development is messy and complex, but our projects are set up around linear information systems that are slow, one-way, highly siloed and paper-based. Project management...
Please RSVP Now: USAID Harnessing the Data Revolution for Resilience Summit
The world is currently producing unprecedented amounts of digital data, as well as unprecedented growth in digital connectivity. These trends enable new ways of...
5 Unanswered Questions on Expanding Digital Economies in Developing Countries
Recently, the Technology Salon in Washington DC asked if Digital Economies Will Empower or Enslave the Next 4 Billion Mobile Users? While there was a general recognition...