3 Ways the Data Visualization Society Helps You with DataViz Problems
Just about everyone I know in the ICT4D community has interacted with, presented, or created a chart, dashboard, infographic, or other data visualization. We’ve...
We Can Create Accurate African Agriculture Statistics in 48 Months
In an African country (any of them), down comes a memo from the District Office to Local Authority. Please supply list of all farmers in your locality, adding the...
Apply Now: $1 Million for Your Big Data Solutions for Agriculture
Advances in computing power, data storage, and data communications are creating powerful tools for helping make smallholder farming and food systems more precise,...
New USAID Insights: Digital Profiles of Smallholder Farmer Data Management
More than 500 million smallholder farms worldwide play a significant role in food production and the genetic diversity of the food supply. Until now, it has been...
We Have A Moral Imperative to Use the Data We Collect
And not just to use it, but to use it well.
Too often in development work, there is an expectation that people will supply you with their data but no feeling of...
Apply Now! $500,000 for Big Data Solutions for Agriculture
Do you want to show the power of big data analytics in agriculture? Can you analyze big data to reveal new ways to reduce hunger and poverty? Are you working on...
How to Have Algorithmic Accountability in ICT4D – Your Weekend Long Reads
As we saw recently, when it comes to big data for public services there needs to be algorithmic accountability. People need to understand not only what data is...
3 Data Types Every ICT4D Organization Needs – Your Weekend Long Reads
After five years researching the effectiveness of non-profit organizations (NPOs) in the USA, Stanford University lecturer Kathleen Kelly Janus found that while...
Every Big Data Algorithm Needs a Data Storyteller and Data Activist – Your Weekend Long Reads
The use of big data by public institutions is increasingly shaping peoples’ lives. In the USA, algorithms influence the criminal justice system through risk...
Data is Now Cheap, But Information is Still Very Expensive
We live in the era of Big Data. That’s not a new statement, it’s not even an exciting one. But there’s an implicit finger wag in there as the statement relates...