AI4Health: A Masterclass in Wasting Money We Don’t Have
What do tuberculosis and breast cancer have in common? We’ve spent decades paying for artificial intelligence-based solutions to solve both problems without any...
8 Recommendations for Farmer-Centric Data Governance Models
Agricultural technologies can benefit farmers, businesses, consumers, and the environment in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). However, companies that control...
How USAID is Using Digital Solutions to Combat Malaria in LMICs
Malaria is a deadly disease transmitted by mosquitoes. It remains a formidable public health challenge worldwide. For decades, malaria control efforts have focused...
How US State Department Uses AI Strategically in Modern Diplomacy
Artificial intelligence is a powerful tool in diplomatic circles, promising to reshape how the U.S. Department of State approaches global challenges.
In a recent...
How to Leverage Digital Systems for Monitoring and Evaluation
Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) systems are essential catalysts for transformation and capacity building within the international development sector. They give...
Apply Now: $250,000 AWS Credit for Digital Health Cloud Solutions
The World Bank estimates that more than 700 million people are unable to meet their basic needs related to healthcare and social services, broadly known as social...
Please Give Your Input: Draft Model Law on Health Data Governance
Several countries and regions are taking steps to strengthen their health data governance legislation and regulation. However, approaches vary and there is no overarching...
8 Reasons Why International Development Organizations Need Digital Development Advisors
Recently, I was asked a very topical question by the CEO a major international relief organization, “How can international development programs leverage digital...
14 Barriers to Using Open Data for Better Development Decisions
Open data became a global phenomenon slightly over a decade ago and over the years has been adopted around the world by different stakeholders on the African...
Navigating the Moral Maze of Artificial Intelligence in the Digital Age
Imagine a future where artificial intelligence (AI) revolutionizes our lives – equitably! – a world where AI’s transformative power uplifts everyone,...