New USAID Guide: Remote Monitoring Processes for COVID-19 Response
In the current operating environment, USAID and implementing partners face new challenges in deploying programs, monitoring progress, collecting data, and tracking...
COVID-19 Digital Response Data Is Not Gender Neutral
As people around the world continue to face the effects of Covid-19, academic institutions and government policymakers are turning to data more than ever to understand...
Apply Now! $255,000 Grant Funding for Internet Access, Security and Data
Internet access is a fundamental aspect for the full exercise of our human rights, according to the United Nations. The Internet enables greater access to information...
RHIS Create a Culture of Data Use in Health Information Systems
Routine Health Information Systems (RHIS) are facility-based and ideally community-based systems that can form the main data source for daily planning and management...
10 Lessons Learned in Scaling Mobile Data Collection Processes
In the last decade, Mobile Data Collection has been used more and more by humanitarian and development organizations for situation analyses, project monitoring,...
Caution! Data Quantity Does NOT Equal Data Quality
Revenue administrations collect large amounts of data on individuals and firms in the course of their work. Increasingly, this data is digitised. The use of digital...
How You Can Start on Bottom-Up Data Protection Right Now
As the saying goes: in 2019, every company is a data company. Being a data company, especially an international data company, has never been more complicated. There...
How to Add Informed Consent to Your Responsible Data Practices
Informed consent is recognized as an integral part of responsible data practices by international development and humanitarian organizations.
Much debate, however,...
Our 5 Guiding Principles for SurveyCTO. What Are Yours? – Your Weekend Long Reads
As a social enterprise funded through user fees from hundreds of different organizations, we at Dobility have an unusual degree of freedom: for the most part, we...
The Definitive Guide to Mobile Data Collection in International Development
Are you mobile data collection curious? Do you have colleagues who always ask you how to collect qualitative and quantitative data using mobile devices? Or do you...