5 Key Million-Dollar Questions for Artificial Intelligence in Global Health
Over the last year, the Audere team found multiple insights from our work deploying practical artificial intelligence solutions in low- and middle-income countries...
What is the DALY Cost-Effectiveness of mHealth CVD Programs?
Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the leading cause of death in Indonesia, and there are large disparities in access to recommended preventative treatments across...
Pop Quiz: What Does it Really Cost to Run mHealth Projects?
One of the stated reasons for implementing mHealth projects is that they are more cost effective than the status quo of using paper or nothing at all to support...
3 Systematic Reasons Why M&E Technology Projects Fail
Having worked for ten years in tech-enabled monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL), I think we need to address three systemic issues: complexity, interoperability...
Top 5 Hardware Challenges in Information Technology for Development
When work began on Inveneo’s Hardware Challenges White Paper last year, all of the parties involved—including the organizations that commissioned and funded...
No Electricity Means No Internet: It’s Time to Bridge the Gap!
“I came to Uganda to run the technical side of a mobile phone company. Instead, I was running the largest diesel fuel distribution company in the country—in...
What Are Tech Company Start Up Costs in 6 African Countires?
As a venture capital firm, Savannah Fund is interested in the differing variables that can affect entrepreneurs in the countries of startups we have or will invest...
Do Not Underestimate the Online Learning Investment
When considering the cost of flying a person to Africa (plus hotel and living expenses) to conduct a training, the return on investment for online learning seems...
Follow the Four C’s of ICT Deployment for Success
With the explosion of the field of ICT4D in the recent years including countless conferences, working groups, and projects being implemented both formally and informally,...