Global Public Goods Guidebook for Sustainable Digital Health Deployments
Global goods are digital health software tools that are adaptable to different countries and contexts to help address key health system challenges.
A mature digital...
Creating Killer Content for ICT4D Project Success – Your Weekend Long Reads
Creating killer content is critical to ICT4D success. One of the major barriers to digital uptake is a lack of incentives to go online because of a lack of relevant...
A 6 Step Guide to Platforms in International Development
Platform seems to be one of the biggest buzzwords in the field of international development these days. Popping up worldwide, platforms bring opportunities, challenges...
An Empty Gift? Free Wikipedia Access for Orange Kenya and Uganda Subscribers
Now any subscriber with an Orange Kenya or Orange Uganda SIM will be able to access Wikipedia through their mobile phone browser without data charges, according...
What if I gave you a fully loaded Macbook Air filled with content in Klingon?
That is what I think many good intentioned people do when they install computer systems without locally relevant content – they deploy the equivalent of a...
Righting Wikipedia’s African Information Imbalance
It should not come as a surprise that Africa is poorly represented in Wikipedia. Most of their articles are written by people personally interested in a subject,...
Facebook is Driving ICT Adoption in Africa
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During a recent Inveneo training of ICT professionals, I was amazed to hear that most everyone had a Facebook account. Not only...