The Hidden 30% Cost Premium of Digital Cash Transfers for Refugees
I believe in the transformative power of cash assistance for refugees. It provides dignity, choice, and flexibility. But recent research from Kenya questions our...
3 Ways Digital Solutions Improve Cash and Voucher Assistance Programs
Humanitarian assistance has greatly changed over the past two decades, bringing forth new mechanisms to provide assistance to persons affected by crises.
Not only...
Ethical Considerations When Using Call Detail Records for Better Targeting
While countries adopted various COVID-19 response approaches, the need for short- and long-term Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) quickly became clear at an unprecedented...
The Gold Standard Data Responsibility Toolkit for Cash Transfers
While all humanitarian programmes collect large amounts of data, in Cash and Voucher Assistance we collect large volumes of data that is often shared with multiple...
11 Strategies to Manage Data Sharing with Government Agencies
In recent months, there have been an increasing number of questions among cash and voucher assistance (CVA) actors about data sharing with government authorities...
Why Do Women Suffer Gender Gaps in COVID-19 Digital Payments?
The digitization of cash transfers has emerged as an attractive policy solution for countries seeking to expand social assistance to alleviate the economic hardships...
7 Ways You’re Contributing to the Humanitarian Metadata Problem
The past decade has seen a surge in the use of mobile telecommunications, messaging apps and social media. As they become more accessible around the world, these...
Why Our Cash Catalog Was A Failure
The Electronic Cash Transfer Learning Action Network (ELAN) works to improve the effectiveness and impact of digital payments in humanitarian response. Within this...
Help Build a Cash Transfer Technology Catalog
The number of technology tools to support digital payments and vouchers can be overwhelming, especially in humanitarian response, where time is limited and situations...
How Women Benefit from Mobile Money Cash Transfer Programs for Disaster Response
With the Nepal Earthquake response in full swing, humanitarian relief organizations will be using cash as a form of humanitarian assistance, either as an alternative...