Apply Now! 1 Million Euros for African ICT4D Projects Supporting the SDGs
Are you working on a digital development solution to support the Sustainable Development Goals in one of the 14 partner countries of the Belgian bilateral cooperation?...
6 Reasons to Join TechChange Course on Agriculture, Innovation, and Technology
Smallholder farmers make up over half of the world’s food-insecure populations in developing countries. These farmers face numerous challenges: decreasing land...
5 Reasons to Join Us at SwitchPoint 2018
Please register now to join your peers and colleagues at SwitchPoint 2018, where humanitarian innovation, global health & technology collide on April 26-27,...
How to Have Algorithmic Accountability in ICT4D – Your Weekend Long Reads
As we saw recently, when it comes to big data for public services there needs to be algorithmic accountability. People need to understand not only what data is...
3 Data Types Every ICT4D Organization Needs – Your Weekend Long Reads
After five years researching the effectiveness of non-profit organizations (NPOs) in the USA, Stanford University lecturer Kathleen Kelly Janus found that while...
Every Big Data Algorithm Needs a Data Storyteller and Data Activist – Your Weekend Long Reads
The use of big data by public institutions is increasingly shaping peoples’ lives. In the USA, algorithms influence the criminal justice system through risk...
Your Organization is Not Ready for Big Data
Big Data for Development. You’ve heard that sentence/question/presentation title before. We’ve talked about Big Data at length and the conversation...
Apply Now: $500,000 for Your Big Data Innovations in Agriculture
The rapid growth in processing power and global connectivity means we can now quickly collect, share and analyze enormous amounts of data to reveal new ways to...
Please RSVP Now for MERL Tech 2017 and Submit Your Session Ideas
Please sign up to present, register to attend, or reserve a demo table for MERL Tech DC 2017 on September 7-8, 2017 at FHI 360 in Washington, DC.
We will engage...
Showcase Your Resilience Innovation with The Rockefeller Foundation
Are you using digital technology to help individuals, families, communities, businesses or governments in Asia adapt to shocks and chronic stresses? If so, we want...