How African Governments Can Create Effective Artificial Intelligence Policies
As artificial intelligence technologies rapidly advance globally, African governments are beginning to develop national AI strategies and policies. However, they...
Apply Now: $50,000 for Responsible Artificial Intelligence Solutions
The last few months it has become clear that artificial intelligence is no longer our future, but our present. Some of the most exciting ideas for the future of...
5 Insights on Using Algorithms in Government Service Delivery
It’s easy to be seduced by the power of algorithms to deliver public services. Do you want to target beneficiaries of government programs and services precisely...
Applying US Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights to African Countries
Regulation of artificial intelligence is the need of the hour. The release of The Blueprint for An AI Bill of Rights (AIBoR) by the US White House Office of Science...
A Call to Technologists on Technology and (Dis)Empowerment
Several fascinating Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D) innovations have emerged over the years and ICTworks has regularly profiled...
Building Ethical Artificial Intelligence Frameworks for Humanitarian Uses
While many artificial intelligence (AI) tools originated in the United States, Europe, and China, the development and adoption of AI in lower- and middle-income...
IDRC Predicts the Future of Artificial Intelligence in the Global South
There is little doubt that artificial intelligence technologies will be transformational. Breathtaking advances will be made, extraordinary wealth will be created,...
10 Things to Know About Children and Misinformation and Disinformation
The rapid spread of misinformation and disinformation (mis/ disinformation) online has emerged as a pressing public issue of the 21st century that affects all those...
Apply Now: $100,000 for Global South Feminist Artificial Intelligence Research
Systemic gender, racial and intersectional bias sit at the core of current artificial intelligence processes born in the North, replicated in the South.
There is...
How to Anonymously Estimate Age for Digital Identity Solutions
Yoti spent the last six years building a digital identity platform and we’ve made impressive advancements in the age checking space. Our free app is a powerful...