6 Myths of Designing Online Learning Programs
It’s not just policymakers and donors who hold fast to myths about online learning, as I shared in the last post (Six Myths of Online Learning Education Programs...
6 Myths of Online Learning Education Programs in International Development
Online learning is not new. And it’s been a round a long time. Yet, if my work in international education development is any indication, there are a number of...
Five Ways to Improve Your Online Training Efforts in Digital Development
Every day, we are all tasked with supporting staff in distant offices to use new and emerging technologies. However, emails, chats, and even phone calls can only...
Apply Now to Break Into Blockchain for International Development
Blockchain technology may have the potential to help us tackle existing development challenges and prepare governments for changes that are underway. While this...
Do Not Underestimate the Online Learning Investment
When considering the cost of flying a person to Africa (plus hotel and living expenses) to conduct a training, the return on investment for online learning seems...
RSVP Now to Debate MOOCs Impact in the Developing World
Stanford, Harvard, MIT, and many more top name universities are launching Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) to hundreds, and hundred of thousands of students....
Are Massive Open Online Courses Massive Opportunity or Massive Hype?
Join us for an in-depth analysis of these questions and the overall educational impact of Massive Open Online Courses on the developing world during the MOOC Educational...