New DHIS2 Community Health Information Systems Guidelines
The DHIS2 Community Health Information Systems Guidelines aim to serve as a practical guide for national and local-decision makers involved in the design, planning,...
Pop Quiz: What Does it Really Cost to Run mHealth Projects?
One of the stated reasons for implementing mHealth projects is that they are more cost effective than the status quo of using paper or nothing at all to support...
The Best Mobile Data Collection Systems Support the Oldest Data Collection Process
Tara is a frontline health worker who sits in a small, but meticulously clean clinic at the southernmost point of one of Vanuatu’s more remote islands....
4 Ways We Overcame ICT4D Pilotitis in Vietnam
We all know the dangers of “pilotitis” in the ICT4D and mHealth space. The potential for new ideas and innovations is seemingly limitless, but challenges arise...
The Potential for Mobile Money to Improve Government Salary Payments in Liberia
Meet Kou, a health worker in rural Nimba County, Liberia. During the Ebola crisis, Kou took action to combat the disease, going door-to-door in her community to...
3 Lessons Learned Deploying eHealth Solutions for Nigerian Health Systems
The Federal Ministry of Health has identified several key challenges for the healthcare system in Nigeria to ensure the availability of life-saving commodities...
The Status of Open Data Initiatives in West Africa
Open data offers many improvements for governance and services. As technology allows for more interoperability and a stronger free-flow of information, the government...
Are Government M&E Systems Effectively Robust and Coordinated?
The development community is increasingly interested in institutionalizing monitoring and evaluation (M&E) in aid recipient governments as one strategy for...
How You Can Reach 300,000 Tanzanians with Proven Family Planning Information
Would you want to improve family planning knowledge and effect behavior change with 300,000+ people in Tanzania, using a proven technology approach that was developed...
Lessons Learned From Working Firsthand in Malawi’s ICT Sector
My name is Herman Fung and I’m a former VSO volunteer in Malawi. In March 2014, I completed an 18-month voluntary placement where I worked with the Ministry...