What is ICTforAg?
ICTforAg is using information and communication technology (ICT) in agriculture development interventions. ICTforAg projects aim to increase food security by helping smallholder farmers use modern agritech farming methods and access markets. These solutions encompass agricultural value chains and include adjacent technologies like digital financial services, big data, and geographic information systems.
ICTforAg solutions in the development sector help countries achieve the Sustainable Development goals. Solutions often focus on agriculture extension agent services for farmers to learn about agriculture technologies and innovation. ICTs can amplify the efforts of agricultural extension agents who work directly with farmers across the entire value chain from planing what crops to grow, to sourcing inputs for crop cultivation, to selling it in the market.
Why is ICTforAg Important?
Smallholder farmers have limited resources and often live in underserved and remote areas. They have limited knowledge, services, and technologies available to them, and typically need support to adopt modern farming methodologies. Agricultural extension services are usually inadequate , with less than one extension agent per 1000 farmers .
Climate change is now impacting more farmers, particularly the most vulnerable, so there is greater need for reaching farmers with information and services that can improve their food security. ICTforAg can play a crucial role in supporting farmers to access new inputs, credit, and markets with personalized and customized services.
Examples of ICTforAg in Food Security Programs
The potential to achieve high impact at the farm-level requires appropriate technology and adoption methodologies. Please find below an ever-increasing list of successful ICTforAg solutions.
There are 793 million people globally, who are undernourished or food insecure according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Weather,...
Please sign up to present or register to attend ICTforAg 2017 on June 23rd, at FHI 360 in Washington, DC
This one-day conference will build on ICTforAg 2015 and...
The proliferation of mobile phones among rural households in Kenya, Tanzania, and Ghana has seen a significant increase of digital information solutions for farmers....
I do hate sectoritis – the innate desire of development actors to isolate into health, education, agriculture, civil society, and all the other sector silos...
Published on: Oct 19 2016 by Guest Writer - Comments Off on Three Factors to Make Your ICTforAg Efforts More Effective
I am an optimistic skeptic of ICT4D and ICTforAg. The potential role of ICT in Development is obvious, but we often seem to be overselling the current reality.
We are on the cusp of a second green revolution. Through the application of connected technologies, we have the potential to increase agricultural productivity...
Published on: Sep 21 2016 by Guest Writer - Comments Off on Managing the Data Transmission Constraints When Using ICTforAg Sensors
By 2018, according to a recent report from Ericsson, the largest category of connected devices in the world will be comprised of a variety of vehicles and machines,...
Published on: Sep 14 2016 by Guest Writer - Comments Off on 3 Barriers to Using Sensors to Improve ICTforAg
As mentioned in Sabeen Dhanani’s initial post in this series, How Can Sensor Technologies and Precision Farming Improve Agriculture?, technology is the easiest...
Published on: Sep 07 2016 by Guest Writer - Comments Off on How Can Sensor Technologies and Precision Farming Improve Agriculture?
The use of precise, granular data collected via remote and ground sensors has tremendous potential to improve agriculture outcomes. In the industrialized world...
Big data. We hear about it regularly, but for someone who is a bit of a techno-slug, who moves at a slow pace of adoption, I wonder sometimes just where all this...