What is ICT4Edu?
ICT4Edu is the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to improve educational outcomes in developing countries. This includes hardware, software, content, curriculum, and pedagogy required for learning by students, teachers, and their surrounding communities.
ICT4Education initiatives build on various disciplines such as communication, education, psychology, sociology, artificial intelligence, and computer science. EduTech solutions encompass several domains including learning theory, online learning, computer-based training, and distance education.
What Are Successful ICT4Edu Projects?
We are constantly searching for new ICT4Edu projects for review and analysis. Please find below a growing list of programmes that use information and communication technologies to increase educational outcomes in developing countries.
Mobile phones may be amazing, ubiquitous, and a real platform to learn with. Yet, the mobile phone (like many ICTs) comes with associations that prevent it...
Published on: Mar 07 2012 by Wayan Vota - Comments Off on What do Randomized Control Trial Results from OLPC Peru Mean for ICT4E?
In 2007, Peru announced it would distribute tens of thousands of XO laptops from One Laptop Per Child to children in rural schools across the country, and expanded...
Published on: Mar 02 2012 by Guest Writer - Comments Off on 8 Recommendations for ICT4E Intervention Success in African Schools
A new report by Aptivate and the Centre for Commonwealth Education (University of Cambridge) suggests that there are practices that can be utilized to make ICT use...
I am Michael Trucano and as part of my job, I visit lots of schools around the world to see how they are actually using various types of educational technologies....
I recently made one of the biggest ICT4D mistakes in the book. Pay close attention, and see if you can pick it out.
When I was in Arusha, Tanzania last month, I...
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If you follow the #ICT4D hashtag on Twitter, you’ll see a strong, focused conversation around the use of ICT in international...
As teachers at a primary school in the Kisongo district of Arusha, Tanzania huddled into their computer lab, they quietly scoffed at me. What can a twenty-something...
I am Mbwana Alliy of Afrinnovator, and in my last post, I predicted tablets would start surfacing into the mainstream in Africa this year, especially within...
I am Richard Rowe and I have, for the first time that I am aware of, valid and reliable evidence of substantial improvements in basic literacy in a developing...
Published on: Dec 19 2011 by Wayan Vota - Comments Off on Do Open Educational Resources Actually Increase the Digital Divide?
We have often focused on Open Educational Resources (OER) in the Educational Technology Debates. We talked about the need for creating digital content and examples...