Data-Driven Decision-Making Optimizes Healthcare Supply Chain Performance in Uganda
Healthcare supply chains are complex, interconnected systems crucial for delivering timely and effective health services. For USAID implementing partners, optimizing...
Rwanda Digital Health Revolution is Transforming Healthcare Through Technology
Rwanda is known for its forward-thinking policies. It is emerging as a leader in digital health, demonstrating how strategic investments and robust partnerships...
Moving From e-Chaos to Uganda’s New Digital Health Strategy
In May 2023, the Uganda Ministry of Health (MOH) inaugurated the National Health Information and Digital Health Strategic Plan. Aligned with the National Development...
3 Advantages of a Modern Data Stack for Digital Development
Managing data in the development sector can be messy. Development organizations want reliable data to assess the effectiveness of their interventions, aiming for...
Which Digital Health Tools Are We Using to Tackle COVID-19?
Since the earliest days of the COVID-19 pandemic, national and local governments have turned to digital technologies to help their citizens, health care providers,...
Watch Now: Six Digital Health Global Goods Explained
We are excited to share a new series of videos on digital health global goods that TechChange has developed in partnership with USAID, PATH/Digital Square.
How Bangladesh Successfully Deployed DHIS2 Information System Nationwide
Ten years ago, Bangladesh’s health information system was paper-based and built in a disorganised manner around the unique needs of different programmes and...
How to Combine Real-Time Data Flows Into Unified Data Views
We’ve developed a strong partnership with VillageReach, a team that stewards a logistics management system, OpenLMIS, and works to solve health care delivery...
New DHIS2 Community Health Information Systems Guidelines
The DHIS2 Community Health Information Systems Guidelines aim to serve as a practical guide for national and local-decision makers involved in the design, planning,...
How Mobile Applications are Documenting Property Rights in Zambia
There is a silent race running through developing countries around the world – a race for access to land and the knowledge of whom the land belongs. The race...