Getting Better, Faster Feedback with Mixed Methods in mHealth
There are several projects that use mobile multimedia for health education in hard-to-reach rural settings, where video, being non-textual, enables the educational...
Pop Quiz: What Is the Difference Between mHealth, mEducation, and mAgriculture?
I do hate sectoritis – the innate desire of development actors to isolate into health, education, agriculture, civil society, and all the other sector silos...
Could OER Improve Community Health Worker Training?
Billions of dollars are being invested in finding solutions to Africa’s most pressing health needs. In particular there is a focus on the role of frontline health...
Are Drones and Bitcoin New Technologies for Community Health Workers?
Could future Community Health Workers use drones to bring needed supplies to the point of care? What about Bitcoin vouchers to incentivize behavior or subsidize...
Please RSVP: Should We Create Standardized Training Content for Community Health Workers?
RSVP Now: Thursday, February 13 – Johannesburg, South Africa
Millions of people in rural communities depend upon Community Health Workers for health care....
Please RSVP: How Are Community Health Workers Using ICT?
Across the continent, Africans are receiving health care by frontline health workers in every situation imaginable, from modern hospitals to primary care facilities...