Are you a registered and accredited laptop and software retailer in Kenya with at least 5 years of business experience an three retail locations in addition to a Nairobi office? Then the Government of Kenya seeks your help in selling 1 million laptops to Kenyan university students thanks to a $114 million credit from the International Development Association (IDA).
The One Million Computer Initiative also known as ‘Wezesha’ (a Swahili word that means ‘to enable’) is intended to increase access to the Internet and usage of computers, with all associated development impact benefits.
The Kenya ICT Board, who is managing this project, has published the Phase One Tender to pre-qualify 5 Retail Distributors with national coverage and level of service necessary to implement the One Million Laptops initiative with computers that meet these specs:

If you think your company qualifies, you’d better get your proposal in soon – the deadline is June 25th at 5pm Kenyan time.
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