Gender Data 201 is a free online course developed by the Data Pop Alliance, Facebook, and TechChange. The objective of the course is to develop a hands-on online learning experience to equip participants with the basic data skills needed to lead gender-responsive advocacy work, decision-making processes, and/or policy design and implementation.
Building on the Gender Data 101 MOOC, the course also aims to foster the creation of a larger international community of gender data practitioners, driving social change through collaboration.
The course has been divided into three modules.
- Setting the Framework is an introductory module that covers the context and concepts of gender data in development.
- Hands-on Technical Training walks participants through the different stages of using gender data, so they can practically leverage existing datasets (in combination with other sources) by using new analytical tools.
- Project Laboratory will guide participants through the steps needed to build a research project that uses data from a gender-sensitive perspective.
This structure allows us to set the theoretical foundation for comprehending gender data, before delving into how to leverage it using different methodologies (with real datasets). The course provides a practical guide to help the participants understand the different components they must consider when developing a gender data project in their own work.
Register Now for the free Gender Data 201 self-paced course!
Participants will have access to a series of e-learning resources, ranging from interactive online materials to video tutorials and interactive quizzes, thus enabling them to gather knowledge and skills across three main pillars:
- Science-based development and implementation aimed at improving the sustainability of gender data;
- Research focused on assisting policy development to strengthen the unbiased gender data and monitor progress in women and girls lives; and
- Research and development of innovative ways to monitor and measure the impact of interventions in the use of Gender Data.
Experts from around the world featured in the video tutorials include:
- Marta Lamas, Professor of Political Science at the National Autonomous University of Mexico
- Hilary Mathews, Senior Gender Advisor, Care USA
- Diva Dhar, Senior Program Officer, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
- Cláudia Abreu Lopes, Research Fellow, UNU-IIGH
- Manuel Contreras-Urbina, Senior Development Specialist, World Bank
- Emmanuel Letouzé, Director and Co-Founder, Data-Pop Alliance
- Dilly Severin, Director of Advocacy and Communications, Data2x
- Catherine D’Ignazio, Author of ‘Data Feminism’, Assistant Professor at MIT
We are Kenya Small Scale Farmers Forum KESSFF a registered grassroots village based membership network of Small Scale Farmers SSFs operating in 196 Sub Counties in Kenya.
Also part of a similar larger regional network for East Central and South African Countries ESAFF, we bring together SSFs through empowering them with capacities to articulate issues affecting them namely domestic and global policies domestic and international market access and availability of SSFs friendly credit.
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Personnel motivation