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Please RSVP Now: How Can Technology Improve Disaster Response?

By Jana Melpolder on March 13, 2015


Natural disasters are impossible to avoid, but thankfully recovery time and management have become easier due to the improvements in innovative technologies. As aid organizations gain more access to dynamic tools and Internet connectivity, their response times have dramatically become shorter – and more lives are saved.

Yet, the rush of response is not the best time to introduce new innovations. We need to analyze and prepare before disaster strikes. Which is why you should please RSVP now to join the next Technology Salon San Francisco for a lively conversation centered around questions like:

  • How can technology work best for disaster response?
  • Which available technology is “best” for different response phases?
  • What new technologies can we use for future disasters?
  • Where are the moral and ethical boundaries with these technologies?

Please RSVP now, as the discussion will be lead by Aaron Mason of Orion, with two experts who bring a wealth of experience to the debate:

The American Red Cross is exploring new technologies for disaster resilience, including biometric scanners, drones, 3D printers, and virtual reality. They recently released the report “A Vision for the Humanitarian Use of Emerging Technology for Emerging Needs“.

The USAID Global Development Lab was central to the international response to the Ebola epidemic in West Africa, including developing new communications systems, data reporting tools, and interoperability standards across the affected countries.

We’ll have hot coffee and catered breakfast treats for a morning rush, but seating is limited to ensure an intimate experience. Be sure to RSVP quickly. Once we reach our 35-person capacity there will be a waiting list!

How Can Technology Improve Disaster Response
Technology Salon San Francisco
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
9:30am – 11:30am
Vodafone Americas Foundation
275 Shoreline Dr., Suite 400
Redwood City, CA 94065

About Technology Salons

The Technology Salon™ is an intimate, informal, and in person, discussion between information and communication technology experts and international development professionals, with a focus on both:

  • technology’s impact on donor-sponsored technical assistance delivery, and
  • private enterprise driven economic development, facilitated by technology.

Our meetings are lively conversations, not boring presentations – PowerPoint is banned and attendance is capped at 30 people. We expect frank participation with ideas, opinions, and predictions that will move the sector from talk to action. Click here to learn about past Technology Salons in Nairobi, New York City, Washington D.C., London and more.

Filed Under: Relief, Thought Leadership
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Written by
Jana Melpolder worked for over two years as an editor for ICTworks. She is passionate about bringing human rights issues to the forefront through ICT in the developing world, and she has reported on development programs from several countries including Bolivia, Ghana, Thailand and India. Follow her on Twitter: @JanaMelpolder
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