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Please RSVP Now for Fail Forward 2014

By Guest Writer on June 13, 2014


All we’re taught about failure is to avoid it at all costs. Let’s explore leveraging it for adaptation, innovation, and resilience instead. Fail Forward 2014 is a full day of thought-provoking ideas, an overflowing toolbox of tools and practices, and truly novel experiences to help us redefine our relationship with failure.

We believe that our instinctual reactions, which include shame, avoidance, or blaming – get in the way of our abilities to maximize the learning available to us when a failure happens. If we were able to build our practice of intelligent failure for ourselves and our organizations, we think failures could be catalysts for necessary learning, adaptation, and innovation to advance some of our greatest challenges and ambitions.

You’ve heard of “failing fast,” but what does that truly mean? Our day together promises to move past the rhetoric and into the practical. Please RSVP now to join us on July 9th at the MaRS Collaboration Centre to really experiment, test, and practice what it could look like to maximize your ability to really learn from failure.

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