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New USAID Guide: Remote Monitoring Processes for COVID-19 Response

By Wayan Vota on June 24, 2020

covid19 merl tech

In the current operating environment, USAID and implementing partners face new challenges in deploying programs, monitoring progress, collecting data, and tracking indicators. As we adapt our approaches to facilitate COVID-19 Digital Response, we need to find innovative, responsible, and safe ways to monitor and evaluate programming from afar.

The new USAID Guide for Remote Monitoring During COVID-19 aims to provide information for Agency staff and implementing partners on remote monitoring techniques and when they can be employed. USAID encourages use of this guide to identify and pursue appropriate remote-monitoring approaches for your needs.

USAID CORs, AORs and Activity Managers should work with implementing partners to document updated approaches in each agreement’s plans for monitoring, evaluation, and learning, and should upload these amended Activity MEL Plans into the Agency Secure Image and Storage Tracking System (ASIST) as soon as possible. This can be done in collaboration with Mission and Washington Bureau M&E Specialists, as appropriate.

This guide will take you through a few major questions to ask when working to identify and deploy remote monitoring tools:

  • What information do we want to collect?
  • What should we consider when monitoring remotely?
  • What tools will allow me to continue monitoring remotely?
  • What geospatial tools will help with remote monitoring?
  • Where can we find additional public resources?
  • What are PEPFAR’s Technical Guidance during COVID?

USAID maintains staff and operations in more than 80 countries around the world, all of which the COVID-19 pandemic will disrupt. USAID remains committed to protecting the health and safety of its staff, while continuing appropriate oversight of its programs and ensuring the accountable and effective use of U.S. taxpayer funds.

Health Data Collection During COVID-19 Response

How can public health systems in resource limited settings collect the data needed to inform COVID 19 epidemic response? Palladium mapped the systems available in Kenya and Nigeria, developed roadmaps to quickly adapt core software, and deployed interoperability layers to pull data from the various systems and data sources.

Please RSVP Now to learn from two case studies on how health systems can deploy data collection processes during the coronavirus pandemic and their challenges and lessons learned. This Global Digital Health Network interactive webinar will be on June 29, 2020 at 8:00 AM Eastern Time.

More Remote MERL Guides for COIVD-19 Response

The need for remote monitoring, evaluation, research, and learning has only grown with the need for  comprehensive COVID-19 Digital Response. Here are additional resources that can help you maintain continuous learning and adaptation throughout the coronavirus pandemic.

Filed Under: Data, Management
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Written by
Wayan Vota co-founded ICTworks. He also co-founded Technology Salon, MERL Tech, ICTforAg, ICT4Djobs, ICT4Drinks, JadedAid, Kurante, OLPC News and a few other things. Opinions expressed here are his own and do not reflect the position of his employer, any of its entities, or any ICTWorks sponsor.
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One Comment to “New USAID Guide: Remote Monitoring Processes for COVID-19 Response”

  1. Jaclyn Carlsen says:

    Greetings! Wanted to share a USAID webinar that we conducted on the topic: https://usaidlearninglab.org/library/webinar-resources-monitoring-during-covid-19. Implementing partners from Ethiopia, Nepal, and Afghanistan shared their stories. We also have a page on USAID Learning Lab dedicated to monitoring resources: https://usaidlearninglab.org/monitoring%2C-evaluation-and-learning-during-covid-19-pandemic . If you or your organization have resources to share with USAID, you can comment on the Community Contributions Page, upload a resource or blog of your own, or send us an email at COVID19_PartnerResourceCenter@usaid.gov. Wishing everyone the best during this time.