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mLearning: A Platform for Educational Opportunities at the Base of the Pyramid

By Wayan Vota on April 4, 2011

Education is a key investment in human capital: no variable from 1900 better explains economic success in 2000 than investment in education. Yet today 69 million school children globally don’t have access to basic education while 759 million adults don’t have a formal education. With worldwide GSM mobile connections predicted to reach 5 billion by the end of 20103, the opportunity for mobile learning, or mLearning as it is known, to overcome barriers to traditional learning such as accessibility and cost moves closer to becoming a reality.


The GSMA represents the interests of the worldwide mobile communications industry and as such, has taken a leadership role on behalf of mobile network operators (MNOs) and vendors, in understanding how mLearning is being used today and its potential for the future. The GSMA Development Fund has conducted preliminary research into the current landscape of mLearning in the developing world to assess the ways in which mobile devices are being used as an intervention in learning and to consider the future of this powerful tool.

The GSMA Development Fund was established in 2006 to help accelerate social and economic development for those living under US$2 per day through the use of mobile technology. As part of its ever growing programme, new research areas are assessed to understand the potential benefits of mobile technologies in helping foster innovation and growth within the industry. Although mLearning is not a new concept, the GSMA Development Fund believes that mLearning is now approaching a tipping point where the potential of such services are realised, supported by sustainable business models.

The mLearning: A Platform for Educational Opportunities at the Base of the Pyramid report summarises our findings on past developments and the current landscape of mLearning in the developing world through research and interviews with MNOs, technology vendors, foundations and the academic community. It is not intended to be an exhaustive evaluation of the global mLearning market, but rather a summary of activity so far and, more importantly, some guidance and ideas for future development.

The research found that there are many mLearning projects currently taking place globally, although the vast majority are on a small scale and it is assumed an even greater number are not documented. It was observed that activity is more widespread in the developed world, especially the US and the UK, where mobile technology is more prevalent and advanced, and where funding does not present as great a barrier.

However, with 98% of the world’s illiterate or semiliterate population residing in developing countries, where access to schools and resource materials is at a minimum, such regions present the greatest areas of need. These markets therefore represent the greatest opportunities for mLearning programmes and products.

The past year has seen a substantial increase in mLearning initiatives5 and certainly there is escalating talk of its potential. But is the potential of mLearning hype or reality? Despite the many successes mLearning is experiencing, more research is needed to understand how this ubiquitous technology can be used to provide educational resources to those most in need, along with the development of a sustainable and robust business case.

Introduction to mLearning: A Platform for Educational Opportunities at the Base of the Pyramid

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Wayan Vota co-founded ICTworks. He also co-founded Technology Salon, MERL Tech, ICTforAg, ICT4Djobs, ICT4Drinks, JadedAid, Kurante, OLPC News and a few other things. Opinions expressed here are his own and do not reflect the position of his employer, any of its entities, or any ICTWorks sponsor.
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4 Comments to “mLearning: A Platform for Educational Opportunities at the Base of the Pyramid”

  1. Wayan Vota says:

    Sorry for the posting error – here is the correct link to the report mLearning: A Platform for Educational Opportunities at the Base of the Pyramid

  2. Joshua W Immanuel says:

    very ture. its good time to look at the innovations and growth of many technologies and carefuly use it for the good purpose will enable the functions to work more efficiently.


  3. Joshua W Immanuel says:

    thank you Vota.