The Evaluation of the Implementation and Impact of the DBE3‐Intel “Getting Started Program” presents the results of an evaluation conducted on the implementation and impact of the joint program between USAID and Intel to implement the Intel Teach Getting Started program to Junior Secondary School teachers in Indonesia through the Decentralized Basic Education 3 Relevant Education for Youth (DBE3) Program.
The objective of the alliance is to support the Government of Indonesia’s to train teachers to “use information and communications technology to support student learning in the academic subject they teach”.
During phase 1 of the program, DBE3 and Intel trained 40 Master Trainers and 395 teachers in 20 schools across 5 provinces and distributed 137 computers and 444 pieces of ICT equipment (including software, UPS and anti virus) to the 20 schools to support the implementation of the program.
In mid 2009, DBE3 conducted and evaluation of the program in order to assess how well the program had been implemented and what could be done (if anything) to increase the quality of the program and its beneficial impacts.
The evaluation concluded that the program achieved some notable success in terms of improving teachers ICT skills and increasing the use of ICT as a teaching tool but had been much less successful impact on improving the use of ICT in the classroom as a learning tool. Five of the key findings and resulting recommendations presented in the report are summarized in the table below.
- Finding: Only 25% of teachers increase their use of computers following the program. The program has more impact at the school level on pedagogical skills rather than use of ICT the lack of access to computer facilities is seem as the major cause of this.
Recommendation: Ensure that schools have sufficient equipment to support implementation of the training. Procure and distribute laptops which, because they are portable, can more easily be used in the classroom. Involve ICT teachers and Principals in the training to work on scheduling of use of available fixed ICT equipment
- Finding: The content of the training program is overly ambitious; most participants leave knowing a little about many things but have not practiced and developed any skills in depth this results in a continuing lack of confidence
Recommendation:Reduce the content and pace of the program to focus on developing specific skills at the end. Remove Microsoft Power Point from the program content as many of the tools produced by Power Point can also be created by Microsoft Word.
- Finding: The program has been successful in improving teachers use of computers for administrative and management activities but not to support student learning. Where computers are being used in the classroom they are having a negative impact on student learning.
Recommendation:The training focus should change examine how computers can be integrated into lessons in the general curriculum (rather than administrative purposes) and provide teachers with simple, achievable subject specific models to follow and build on, which do not depend on LCD and internet. For example, students typing stories and other forms of writing, preparing presentations following group discussions or to analyze interpret and evaluate results of experiments.
- Finding: Teachers are enthusiastic immediately after the workshop but this motivation fades following the workshop because of the lack of on going instructional and technical support
Recommendation:The program should consider what happens “beyond the workshop” Master Trainers should be organized to provide continued support and mentoring to trained teachers after the workshop to help them continue to develop their skills and to implement what they have learned in the classroom. Emphasis needs to be given to both individual and collective mentoring e.g. through school level MGMP or professional development meetings where school ICT teachers, and Master trainers work alongside teacher to develop, implement and review lessons which integrate ICT
- Finding: Schools where principals were involved and supportive tended to have better spirit in trying to implement what they have learned in the training.
Recommendation:Strengthen the Principal’s Leadership Forum and provide real examples of what principal can do to support successful implementation. Support principals to develop actionable plans to sustain and grow their investments in computers technologies and connectivity and develop plans for students’ use of ICT in the classroom Make it compulsory for principals and ICT teachers to participate in the training.
I am a biology’s teacher but I interest to follow training ICT. How to follow training of intel teach getting started? thanks you…
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I have questions: As I know, DBE-3 and DBE-2 have different goal, is there any different impact to both of them?