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Geuza: Build your Swahili vocabulary and fluency on a mobile phone

By Wayan Vota on May 27, 2011

Geuza was a winner at the Samsung Kenya Apps Contest last year, and I can see why: its a hot language learning tool designed for mobile phones. A real Kenyan mLearning solution!

So what does it do? Its a Swahili-English translation game application that test’s your knowledge of Swahili vocabulary and helps you improve your fluency in East Africa’s most common language. Here is a video demo of Geuza in action:

Written by Sam Kariu as an Open Source software, you can download Geuza for free and improve it as you wish.


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Wayan Vota co-founded ICTworks. He also co-founded Technology Salon, MERL Tech, ICTforAg, ICT4Djobs, ICT4Drinks, JadedAid, Kurante, OLPC News and a few other things. Opinions expressed here are his own and do not reflect the position of his employer, any of its entities, or any ICTWorks sponsor.
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