Director of Marketing and Communications: Computer Aid International is seeking an experienced communications and marketing director only to cover a 10-month maternity leave, July 2012 – April 2013. This individual will oversee the marketing, communications, PR, and advocacy for the whole organization, as well as managing the receipt of 40,000 donated computers and laptops throughout the year. The post is located in London and application deadline is May 8. See here for more information.

ICT Specialist: IREX is seeking an ICT Specialist to manage a team of staff and consultants to strengthen civil society organizations’ abilities to effectively integrate ICTs in the workplace, into their internal and external communications, and within program activities in Iraq. Application deadline is May 9. See here for more information.

Chiefs of Party: Ethiopia and Ghana As part of its longstanding work in basic education projects around the world, RTI International is seeking Chiefs of Party in both Ethiopia and Ghana. In Ethiopia, RTI is developing its Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) program, and needs a Chief of Party to lead its work to improve education quality, relevance, access, and efficiency. This project is focused on curriculum revision and textbook development, and EGRA ICT tools and systems are crucial for its success.
In Ghana, similarly, the Chief of Party will support the development of the project, guiding a range of dimensions that may include early reading, complementary education, instructional approaches, and programs to improve teaching and learning, and learning assessment. S/he should have several years’ experience in ICT applications in education.
For additional information on both positions click here and search by country. Both positions’ application deadline is May 30.

Coordinator for Infrastructure Sharing in Afghanistan: The Ministry of Communications and Information Technology in Afghanistan has received financing from the World Bank to fund the ICT Sector Development Project, which will expand broadband connectivity, mainstream use of mobile applications across the government, and develop the capacity of the IT sector to facilitate improved service delivery across the country while accelerating job creation and economic growth. The Coordinator’s role will be as a direct consultany to the Director of Planning and Policies of the Ministry. See more information on Devex. Application deadline is May 12.
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