Innovation in Communication Project Director: Internews is seeking a Project Director to be based in Beijing to perform high level tasks and program implementation focused on mainstreaming ICT and innovation throughout China, including managing relationships with internal and external stakeholders and financial oversight. The person for this job should be fluent in Chinese and English, and have at least five years’ experience in project and grant management. See here for more information. Deadline is July 20.

Digital Citizenship and Safety Project Coordinator: UNICEF’s Social and Civic Media Section in the Division of Communication seeks someone to be responsible for managing the section’s Digital Citizenship and Safety (DCS) Project. The Project Coordinator will be responsible for all aspects of the project, including gathering research on the use of ICTs, digital behavior, safety risks faced, and opportunities created for the youth of developing countries; raising awareness on the optimal and safe use of ICTs through mobilization campaigns, and; influencing ICT-related policies in the given countries with the governments under the Convention on the Rights of the Child framework, together with country and regional offices. The position is based in New York City. You can read more about it here.

Head of Unit – Agriculture and Economic Growth: Catholic Relief Services in Nigeria is seeking a Head of Unit for Agriculture and Economic Growth (HoU) to build up programming through strategic linkages with government and donor initiatives and CRS local partners. The HoU will be responsible for leading the strategic development and management of programs that economically empower vulnerable populations. The HoU will design and manage programs that address constraints to small-scale agriculture productivity and provide technical assistance to very poor farmers and their households to improve production and increase income. Interventions may also include strengthening of producer and processing groups, household support in savings and lending, nutrition, and supporting improved systems for public and private provision of inputs. The HoU will work in partnership with local civil society organizations and state agriculture development programs throughout the country. The use of ICT4D comes in the form of solutions to improve timeliness and quality of monitoring and evaluation as well as project implementation. The position is based in Abuja. See here for more information.

Program Officer for ICT: The Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) is seeking a Program Officer for ICT to handle grants in the ICT sector , manage the IT infrastructure of the KOICA office in the Philippines, and assist in general office administration. More information is available here.
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