Here at Inveneo, we’re often asked for leads on good African software developers or asked by Africans for job opportunities. And while we’re too small to employ all the gifted programmers we come across, or even to keep a detailed list of who is looking or hiring, Erik Hersman of White African has come to everyone’s rescue.
He’s launched an Africa-focused Job Board:

The White African Job Board: it’s a simple and free place to post jobs for African technology professionals. So, what I’m really looking forward to seeing are opportunities listed specifically for people in Africa. That last bit is important, it’s for African devs, designers and bloggers. A lot of these might be for short-term gigs and volunteer opportunities, but who knows… It’s a little bit of an experiment
Personally, I think this fits well with the Coded in Country movement and the coming East-African bandwidth bonanza, and it directly supports Inveneo’s goal of increasing ICT capacity in Africa.
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