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G4S Courier Service goes Fully Wireless with KDN

By Andris Bjornson on May 1, 2009

How far can you take wireless technologies in an urban environment? Kenya Data Networks, has designed a fully independent shipping center for G4S, a Kenyan courier company and KDN representative Norbert gives us a tour:

Note that the shipping center is completely self-sufficient and free of any terrestrial services- from electricity to Internet provision. Solar panels on the roof of the shipping center power a low-power Inveneo computer, which connects to the G4S server via KDN’s WiMax Internet service.

Filed Under: Connectivity, Power
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Since graduating from Northwestern University with a Physics degree, I have helped build long-distance nonprofit WiFi networks as a volunteer in Nepal, managed communications-hardware deployments for the U.S. Department of State, created a high-volume image archive system for an A-list advertising photographer, and helped tell the story of landmine survivors through documentary multimedia. This multi-disciplinary career path has been my attempt to blend passions for technology, creativity, and global involvement. Outside of work, I am an avid photographer and I try to spend as much time as possible getting to the top of tall things by boot, bike, climbing harness, or ice axe.
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